Saturday 13th May 2017
Once again the Comet Open is being hosted at Attenborough on May 13th, as in previous years this has always been well attended with our members and visitors.
We would encourage as many members with Comets to have a go at this event, open to all abilities and experience, so do join in.
This event is open to everybody with a Comet (you do not have to be member of the Comet association) and Cost £10 for 3 races and includes lunch.
If you are not available to participate would it be possible to loan your Comet to another member to experience this great event and promote Attenborough as one of the best events in the Comet circuit.
Attenborough will also be holding the Comet Association Championship over 26th/27th August, put this date in your diary and is a real coup for our club, not to be missed.
For further details contact myself or any member of the sailing committee.
Malcolm Davidson