We look forward to seeing you at the Club for the Work Parties from 9am – noon, each Saturday morning, from 8th Jan through to 5th March inclusive.
It would be really great if each member could contribute to at least one of these Work Parties this year. That will help us tremendously in our move to making the Club an even more attractive place to come and sail, in the heart of the renowned Attenborough Nature Reserve.
It will also help us in our drive to get more people | out on the water, safely | more of the time.
So, please come prepared to: move boats, trolleys, tyres, tie-down points and to clear brambles, nettles and overgrowth etc.
If you could bring your own shears, loppers, strimmer, rake, petrol or battery mower, gardening gloves 🧤 and sturdy footwear etc, that would ensure lots of us can each do a little towards tidying up the compound, each Saturday.
We aim to provide refreshments, at a suitable break point each Saturday – to keep you energised and contributing ’til noon.