Great start to improvements in ’25


It was great to have around a dozen hardy members come down to ASC on Saturday morning, 4th January. Despite the cold,  a great start was made to this year’s work to improve the facilities at the Club.

Work started on the ongoing improvements to:
– taming the brambles throughout the compound and at the waters edge
– the Committee Boat
– internal improvements within the Clubhouse and to the decking around it
– further thought to improvements to the Pontoons and cycle parking 

Row H and I towards the waters edge

So, come on down to ASC any Saturday morning up to 1st March (inclusive) and make your contribution. This will ensure that we all have an improved overall experience at ASC this coming season.  It will also help encourage more of us, to get out on the water and feel more alive in 2025.

If you would find it more convenient to contribute at another time during the week, please do let me know using the ASC WhatsApp Community, so we can co-ordinate that involvement.