ILCA Midland Grand Prix

at Attenborough Sailing Club 15th June sponsored by Sailingfast.

17 boats took to the water for a three-race series. Forecasts all predicted a gusty day and high probability of rain throughout the day.

The first race got away on time cleanly in a light breeze with one exception, who misread the start line. By the time the first boat, John Ling 224155, had reached the windward mark the fleet had already started to separate. The wind was patchy and light, and some were finding the conditions difficult. The first lap took John almost 16 minutes to complete with the next three boats, Steven Thomas 165537, Paul Keeling 108827 and Ben Richardson 222774 coming through the gate within 30 seconds of each other. It was a further couple of minutes before the fifth boat and a full 10 minutes before all 17 boats had crossed the gate line.

The wind continued to be light with few place changes, although Paul Keeling passed Steven Thomas to finish second and third respectively. Those sailing with radial rigs suffered in the light winds with Andy Allan 24110 coming in tenth after just two laps.

There was an interlude for lunch before getting back out on the water for two races to be sailed back-to-back. With a storm cell showing on the weather radar 10 or so miles south of us the winds beside being fickle veered significantly, and even after a short postponement due to lightening in the vicinity, the first leg had changed from a beat to a reach (who would be a race officer?).

Again, John Ling showed his prowess to lead the fleet with Paul Keeling not far behind and with the wind not showing any significant gain in strength the fleet once again became well-spaced across the lake. It took John 15 minutes for the first lap, but the radials were suffering yet again taking up to 40 minutes to complete lap one. The second lap was even slower for all, but John stayed in front to take pole, Paul Keeling second and Steven Thomas in third.

The storm cell had passed, and the wind backed to making the OOD decision look more positive with a good beat on the first leg. The wind had also increased in strength. The fleet got away cleanly, and John Ling had decided to try a port flyer. It didn’t work too well, and he quickly found open water to take his penalty for a port/starboard transgression. Even so he found the windward mark in second place following Steven Thomas. There was some close racing throughout the fleet which stayed much closer together with the improved wind conditions, and significant place changes occurred and even a couple of capsizes took place. Andy Allan with his radial rig managed a fourth place allowing for his handicap adding to his fifth in the second race making him first radial. The standard rig boats came in with John first, Paul Keeling second and Steven Thomas third. In addition, Oliver Rogers was first Junior.

The club received great feedback from all the visitors on the welcoming friendly atmosphere and a special thanks to all the club members who helped to make the day a success Roger and Gillan Day as Race Officers, Lisa Burnham and Racheal Berridge for the delicious refreshments and Peter Stevens and Sue Burnham for safety boat and finally Phil Burnham and Russ Statham as lead boat.

Written by Roger Day.


Result First name Family name Sail number Rig Race 1 posn Race 2 posn Race 3 corrected Race 3 posn Race 1+3 Race 2+3 Overall Score
1st John Ling 224155 ILCA 7/ Full Rig 1 1 42m 49s 1 2 2 2
2nd Paul Keeling 108827 ILCA 7/ Full Rig 2 2 43m 7s 2 4 4 4
3rd Steven Thomas 165537 ILCA 7/ Full Rig 3 3 44m 20s 3 6 6 6
4th Ben Richardson 222774 ILCA 7/ Full Rig 4 4 45m 18s 5 9 9 8
5th Andy Allan 214110 ILCA 6/ Radial 10 5 45m 18s 4 14 9 9
6th Christine Statham 182627 ILCA 7/ Full Rig 7 7 45m 52s 6 13 13 13
7th Alex Homer 186067 ILCA 7/ Full Rig 9 6 46m 12s 8 17 14 14
8th Simon Limb 217014 ILCA 7/ Full Rig 5 10 48m 48s 15 20 25 15
9th Lazaros Andronis 209010 ILCA 6/ Radial 13 9 46m 10s 7 20 16 16
10th Mike Homer 166638 ILCA 7/ Full Rig 6 11 48m 9s 14 20 25 17
11th Mike Pain 213563 ILCA 6/ Radial 16 8 46m 20s 9 25 17 17
12th David Burnham 216065 ILCA 7/ Full Rig 8 12 47m 33s 13 21 25 20
13th Carl Avery 197774 ILCA 7/ Full Rig 12 13 46m 47s 10 22 23 22
14th Louis Mok 134702 ILCA 7/ Full Rig 11 14 47m 17s 11 22 25 22
15th Greg Rimmer 67023 ILCA 6/ Radial 15 17 47m 22s 12 27 29 27
16th Oliver Rogers 212144 ILCA 6/ Radial 14 15 53m 13s 17 31 32 29
17th Philip Deeley 201354 ILCA 6/ Radial 17 16 52m 36s 16 33 32 32