Some of you may remember that in 2011 the Committee submitted an application to Sport England Inspired Facilities for a grant to help build a new clubhouse. This was turned down but we were given some guidance as to why which the Committee felt could be used to reapply with a modified application. A grant of £49,400 has been awarded and now the hard work of using this money has begun.
New clubhouse is up and running
With the demolition of the old changing rooms and building regulations sign off in February 2019, the new clubhouse was ready for use at the start of the 2019 sailing season. So a big thank you to all the volunteers who have put in hundreds if not thousands of volunteer hours to build a clubhouse to be proud of and will provide service for many years of happy sailing.
Below is a gallery of photographs taken during the build.
New Clubhouse Build Photos
Here is a gallery of photographs taken during the build of the new clubhouse.