Racing Resumes!

Start your Engines, with the recent lift in legislations we are able to start official racing at the club.  We are requesting volunteers for duties and an email will be […]

Safety Boat Solo Crewing

Ben Hodgson, Regional Development Officer for the Midlands, gives us some tips and and things to consider when running a single crewed safety boat and shows us how to recover […]

Clubroom and Decking Now Open

It has now been almost 2 months since the club reopened for casual sailing and we have had some beautiful weather during this time, and we hope that you have […]

Casual sailing restarts at Attenborough!

In line with the Government’s relaxation of lockdown to STAY ALERT and the RYA guidelines,‘Club Guidance on restarting boating activity and managing Covid-19’, issued on Tuesday, we are pleased to […]

2020 Sailing Season starts this weekend.

Who’s ready for the 2020 sailing Season?  A big thank you to all those who have put the time in over the winter work parties, prepping, fixing and serving all […]

Work Parties Are Under Way

As we hit the new year it now time to get out the spanners, spades and screwdrivers and do those much-needed jobs around the club.  These are running every Saturday […]