Wednesday – 28-4-21 Race Report

The forecast 17mph , gusting 25mph, chilled Nor-easter greeted seven potential jockeys to the Conneries Lagoon this evening. Along with hoards of twitchers, with their optics focussed on the flocks […]

Race Report for Sunday 25th

Report from Roger Day   With a brisk north east wind blowing on a sunny afternoon ten boats took to the start line for the first race. The first leg […]

Report from wednesday 21st.

Wednesday 21st April Race Report: Joint Winners! A sunny and breezy, but cool, evening led to close racing on the water and a remarkable dead-heat with two sailors having the […]

Report From the Sunday Races

Another blistering two races for Sunday series. Race officer Jonathan Adams was once again looking for the wind, in order to be able to set a course for the eager […]

Wednesday Series 1 – 7th April 2021

Race report Wednesday Series 1 – 7th April 2021 Battle of the Phantoms Wednesday night racing resumed in earnest with the growing Phantom fleet represented by Duncan Adams, Kevin Milton and […]

Report form Wednesday Race.

Everyone except the wind turned up for the first Wednesday race of 2021, following the relaxation of lockdown rules this week. Two Phantoms of Kevin Milton and Duncan Adams were […]

Sailing Is Back…

Sailing Starts 31st March with the Wednesday 1 Racing series Cruising is back on 2nd April..  Change at home or in the carpark as you wish. More info in the […]

Sailors Flap your Sails.

It seems like a long time ago we pull up the sails, But the sailing season is set to start in a few week’s time please keep an eye on […]