2020 Sailing Season starts this weekend.

Who’s ready for the 2020 sailing Season?  A big thank you to all those who have put the time in over the winter work parties, prepping, fixing and serving all […]

Work Parties Are Under Way

As we hit the new year it now time to get out the spanners, spades and screwdrivers and do those much-needed jobs around the club.  These are running every Saturday […]

Boxing Day Takes Last to First

A wet day saw the final race of the 2019 season on Boxing Day. Kevin Milton led the fleet away and maintained the lead throughout the race. Mike Pritchard and […]

Christmas Cracker for Kevin

Roger Day led the fleet away for the Christmas race on Sunday with an excellent start. After a good battle he was overtaken by Kevin Milton in his Phantom who […]

Last and Day

Final frostbite races took place today in gusty and cold conditions with Kevin Last winning both races. In the first one he won easily from the ever improving Roger Day […]

The Gull Swoops to Victory

Very light winds saw an excellent performance by Roger Day in his Gull saw his win the first race by 9 seconds on corrected time from Mike Pritchard with Malcolm […]

Frostbite Wins for Kevin and Mike

Two excellent courses set by Nick Marlow led to some good tactical racing. First race was won easily by Kevin Last from Peter Hampshire and Kevin Milton. Honourable mention to […]

Update on the Rivers – 15-11-19

The Erewash has managed to flow over the top of its sides and into the carpark. a few photos from Olivers Visit this morning.  if you do plan to visit […]