Sunday Racing in Sunny Weather

Great courses by Race Officer Mike Pritchard and excellent weather and wind produced two excellent races on Sunday. The Gold fleet was won by Paul Jago from Ray Kemish and […]

Supernova Open Meeting

An 18 strong fleet took part in three races on Saturday. Sailed in a gusty force 3 the fleet had some excellent racing. Winner overall was Gavin Young from Cotswold […]

Gold Fleet Out in Force

Nine of the ten Gold Fleet started on Sunday with Paul Jago winning from Kevin Milton and Mike Pritchard. Roger Day and Malcolm Davidson slip in to relegation zone joining […]

Kelly Wins Bank Holiday Cup Weekend

Paul Kelly took first and second in his new Supernova to lead the Bank Holiday Cup after three races on Sunday in gusty conditions. Other race winners were Kevin Milton […]

Pursuit Series Win Beckoned for Nick

Congratulations to Nick Colbeck who won the May pursuit race. Based on personal handicaps for the first time in a few years, the results were close apart from the winner […]

Pursuit Race Start Times

This Sunday sees first of our Pursuit Race days. First race is a pursuit and starts at 13:45hrs. At about 15:30hrs there will be a handicap race. Both races are […]

Intrepid Foursome Tackle Trent Tripartite

Yesterday, Ray Kemish, Kev Last, Kev Milton and Nick Whiles carried the club colours to Trent Valley Sailing Club for the annual battle with the home team and Nottingham SC. […]

Golden First Race for Jill Reid

Jill Reid sailing her first race of the season won the Gold Fleet on Sunday from Ray Kemish and Bob Cuerstemont. Silver fleet was won by Kevin Last from Rob […]